Basic Settings

This sample page provides information to configure the basic items on your page.

Date Modified

The date modified is displayed near the bottom of the page, above the footer.

This is configured in the preFooter section of your page.

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "dateModified": "2019-07-31"

Screen Identifier

The Screen Identifier is displayed near the bottom of the page. This element serves a unique identifier for your page and can be used to help communication between users and the service desk/support team to identify the location exact location of a user in your application.

This is configured in the preFooter section of your page.

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "screenIdentifier": "0123456789"

Version Identifier

The version identifier is displayed near the bottom of the page, above the footer.

This is configured in the preFooter section of your page.

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "versionIdentifier": "7890123456"