Custom Footer

When using the application template, you have the ability to add a customized footer that will contain links of your choosing.

When customizing the footer, you also have the ability to override the contact link, the terms link, and the privacy link.


Customization of the footer is done through the footerSections parameter in the appFooter section of your page.

defFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.appFooter({
    "footerSections": {
        "links": [{
            "href": "#",
            "text": "Portal footer link 1"
        }, {
            "href": "#",
            "text": "Portal footer link 2"
        }, {
            "href": "#",
            "text": "Portal footer link 3",
            "newWindow": true

Add a title to your custom footer through the footerSectionsTitle parameter in the appFooter section of your page.

defFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.appFooter({
    "footerSectionsTitle": "Title"

To modify the contact link, the terms link and the privacy link at the bottom of the page, simply add the following code snippet in the appFooter section for your page.

Contact Link

defFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.appFooter({
    "contactLink": [{
        "href": "",
        "newWindow": true

Terms Link

defFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.appFooter({
    "termsLink": [{
        "href": "",
        "newWindow": true

Privacy Link

defFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.footer({
    "privacyLink": [{
        "href": "",
        "newWindow": true