Feedback and Share

This page will demonstrate how to enable the Page Feedback Tool, as well as how to use the feature to share the current page with some predefined Social Media applications.


As of v4.2.0, CDTS is replacing the 'Report a Problem' button with the new Page Feedback Tool provided by WET. By default, the page feedback tool will not be displayed. It will have to be turned on. Also, it can customized to add a contact link of your choosing.

For more information, please visit the WET documentation here.


This page feedback tool can be added and customized in the preFooter section of your page via the showFeedback object. This object has the following properties that can be assigned a value:

Note: Your page MUST have the following metadata defined for the feedback tool to be enabled: <meta name="dcterms.creator" content="[Department name / Nom du département]">

Note: The values for Theme, Section and Department Name should be the SAME for English and French.

Show the page feedback tool

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "showFeedback": {
        "enabled": true

Customize the tool to add a contact link

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "showFeedback": {
        "enabled": true,
        "text": "Contact Name",
        "href": "Contact URL"


Update the values of hidden input fields: Theme and Section

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "showFeedback": {
        "enabled": true,
        "theme": "Text defining the theme of your page / Texte définissant le thème de votre page",
        "section": "Text defining the section where your page resides / Texte définissant la section où réside votre page"


The "Share This Page" button is a way for the users to share the URL of the site via Social Media. By default this button is shown with the default selection of social media sites. You can customize this selection or simply hide the button.


This button can be customized in the preFooter section of your page.

Hide the button

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "showShare": false

Choose which social media sites you would like to show as options to the user.

defPreFooter.outerHTML = wet.builder.preFooter({
    "showShare": ["email", "facebook", "linkedin", "twitter"]